Gokukoku no Brynhildr Wiki
Gokukoku no Brynhildr Wiki

The Drassil released from Saori

"Drassil" is a term that refers to the alien organism that resides in the Harnessed of Magician's.


The Drassil has a slug-like appearance. They are green in colour and have many eyes and teeth located on its body.


The Drassil is an alien life form residing inside the Harnessed of Magician's. Regular administrations of Death Suppressants are required in order for the life form to survive. They are the source of a Magician's power.

According to Miki, the Drassil is the true form of Magician's and that their consciousness now resides in the life form rather than their brains. She further elaborates that they're no longer human, and that their personalities are simply reproductions recreated within the Drassil. If enough time passes and the Magician continues to take the Death Suppressants, the life form will eventually hatch, devour its human body, and begin preying on human's.[1] The Grani, a different alien life form implanted in Kotori Takatori, is said to be capable of instantly destroying all life on the planet when it hatches.


  1. Stated in chapter 72